Why We Lose Our ChildhoodWhen we’re forced to grow up too fast, we still have childlike needs that need to be met in adulthood.
Understanding what caused us to lose our childhood and ways to reparent ourselves in adulthood is the beginning.
How We Respond MattersCurrent life events can bring out the worst in others.
How we respond to people being rude has an impact on our emotional health and well-being. Why We Do What We DoWhen we find ourselves doing things that ultimately drain us, it’s frequently because we’ve internalized dysfunctional societal expectations.
Our Desire for Dating CertaintySometimes our desire for certainty in the dating process produces some really poor advice.
Caring for Our Inner ChildNo one has a “perfect” childhood but the need to reparent ourselves is especially critical when our needs were consistently unmet.
Childhood wounds can interrupt our lives into adulthood but thankfully we can still learn, heal and grow. Finding the Right BalanceAnything taken to an extreme can become problematic.
We don’t need to attend to all feelings and all thoughts. Core Values Connects Us to What MattersWhen we’re connected to our life’s purpose and prioritize this in our daily lives, we live more fully.
Characteristics of CodependencyWhen we experience being codependent, we miss opportunities for more enjoyable ways of relating.
Striking a balance between independence and autonomy while also having connection and togetherness is not easy to achieve — interdependence. Words of Support for Depressed PartnersShowing up for our loved ones can be challenging when they’re depressed.
What do we say? How can we help? Childhood Abuse Impacts Us into AdulthoodAn integral part of healing from childhood abuse is recognizing the ways that it impacts us in the present.
November 2024